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Rob Tapert Interview: Discusses Evil Dead Remake

By 12.02.09News

In a recent interview with Yahoo News,Rob Tapert discusses the Evil Dead remake which from the sound of it he wants completed in 2010:

So are the internet rumours true, do they intend to remake their horror classic, Evil Dead?

“Yes, we do. How easy was that? I just said yes,” he said sounding slightly surprised at himself.

“Sam always said it would be a great thing for somebody to remake because no one has seen it theatrically on a big screen.

“It is a great chance for a young filmmaker to do his thing and bring better effects and better acting to the story.

“Hopefully, we are wholeheartedly committing to getting that done in 2010.

“We are looking for a filmmaker to work with to redevelop the story. We don’t want to do what I call cling block – cling to old things or block new ideas.”